What is PWSC Academy Soccer?
PWSC Academy Soccer is for U8 through U10 players (2017 – 2014 birth years) who are looking for a more competitive soccer experience compared to a traditional recreational soccer league.
PWSC Academy Soccer players will be placed on gender-specific teams at their age level with other competitive soccer players. There are no formal “tryouts” for academy soccer teams, but participation on an academy team could be limited if a particular age group were to have too many players for one team but not enough players to create a second team at that age group.
What will practices and games look like in Academy?
During the fall and spring seasons, academy soccer teams will train two times per week for 1.5 hours each session. They will compete in the WYSA Academy Soccer League with games against other Academy soccer teams in southeastern Wisconsin. Players will participate in a minimum of one competitive soccer tournament in the fall and one in the spring. Players will also be training once per week during the winter months (January – March), and academy soccer teams will have the opportunity to play indoor soccer games in a formal league during the winter.
What is included with my Academy registration fee?
Your Academy registration fee includes a full player kit -- 2 jerseys (home and away), shorts, and socks. Your Academy registration fee will also assist in covering the cost for licensed soccer coaches, referee fees, and field fees. Tournament fees and indoor soccer league fees are not included in the base registration fee as those costs are specific to each team depending on how many tournaments and indoor leagues each team participates in.
Additional questions can be sent to our Club Administrator, Jenny Huber, at clubadpwsc@gmail.com or our Director of Coaching, Kevin Scheibel, at kbscheibel@yahoo.com.
U8 2016/17 Birth Years: $350
U9 2015 Birth Years: $475
U10 2014 Birth Years: $475
FALL: Aug - Oct
Spring: Apr - Jun